So for pretty much the majority of Keegan's life, i've been lamenting the part that he is "growing up". Of course, yes, i know that this is just a part of life, but there is a part of me that wishes that the baby days would last just a little bit longer. Some of my mommy friends might call me crazy, but it really has been one of my favorite stages so far. There's just something about those early days (viewed through the eyes of sleep deprivation, no less). It's funny, because i remember even at a very young age, Keegan always seemed like such an old soul to me, as if he had already seen so many things in his life. Perhaps i should believe in reincarnation or past lives or something. But i look at him and i think one of two things. 1) He's growing up way too fast....STOP!!!!! or 2) He's always looked the same way then as he does today. Well i can tell you that the answer to the first question is indeed yes. As for the second one, my mind forgets that once upon a time, he was indeed a squishy soft little baby. So i think back to all those digital photos that are stored somewhere on my computer, never to be seen again after they were uploaded. So i created a screen background on my computer at work where every few minutes or so, a new photo from the first year of K's life pops up. It is certainly a great way to procrastinate, but it also reminds me of the days that go by way too fast.
Here's some of my favorites that make me ooh and ahh every day. And to think, the last (almost) two years have gone by in the blink of an eye. I'm sure i'll be saying the same thing when he turns 18 - oh where oh where did the time go......

No he's not really sitting up here, just propped up against the couch, probably 3 or 4 months old. This was about as chubby as his legs ever got - no rolls for me to pinch! Sometimes i look at pictures from the early days, and while i recognize him, he looks so different
This one was part of the first set of family photos that we had done in November 2009 when K was 5 months old

Both of these photos were taken when K was around 10 months old. These types of pictures probably add to my belief that he's always looked the same - as these aren't a far cry from some of his more recent pictures.
Just don't grow up too fast my little man :)
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